Tuesday, April 8, 2008

in which i become a reviewer

If you can't beat them, join them. After reviewing my reviewers, i've gone and become a reviewer myself (link unavailable temporarily). The book in question is Kunal Basu's The Japanese Wife, which The Pioneer asked me to review.

I've also done another piece for the southern edition of the Indian Express (the New Indian Express), after the Maiden in Mumbai piece in February. This one was about a short trip to Arunachal while i was home a few weeks ago.

However, it would have been nice to see some editorial discretion at these two national papers. In the review, for instance, my "Of the Japanese wife herself we cannot figure anything out; she remains a faraway and invisible presence whose actions we cannot account for. Whatever potential there was in the story, Basu has failed to bring it out." has been changed to, "Of the Japanese wife, she has an invisible presence whose actions we cannot account for. Whatever potential there was in the story, Kunal Basu has failed to bring it out."

Then in the Arunachal piece, the original "The Alto’s wheels were now skidding all over the ice and snow covered road." has been changed to, "The Alto’s wheels were skidding over snow covered road." Very, very clumsy, and unnecessary. There are a few more such instances in both articles.

The Shillong Times carried a review of Jet City Woman by the well-known writer/activist Patricia Mukhim this Sunday, the 6th. It seems the book has been described as an entertaining read, and the author praised for his insight into the "northeastern psyche"! The review doesn't seem to be available online; will try and put it up if i can get my hands on the paper itself.

Jet City Woman has been out for about six months now, which is not really that long for a book. Somehow it all seems to have happened a long time ago. Sometimes i find it hard to believe that i've actually written a book. Maybe the long wait before i got published has something to do with it.


Unknown said...

Hi. I've read your book. I think it's nice. I have got a review on my blog. I've finished my first novel, set in Delhi as well and still hoping to get a publisher or self-publish if the money comes...

Let me know what you think of my blog...

jeetonline said...

never read a book twice before I came across Jet City Woman..fantabulous work....CONGRATS..a friend gifted ur book from Bangalore..while comin bck frm Ghy recently a fellow passenger borrowed my copy..nd one in the US is asking for one..a friend in a Delhi newspaper is asking me to write a review nd wow i came across Ankush Saikia ..AMAZING..

Ankush Saikia said...

onyeka: saw the review on your blog...thanks for the interest man! bhagya: let me know if you do a review of JCW.
